Hamburger menu stuck on mobile and iPad

Hello. This is the 3rd time I am writing about this issue. The hamburger menu does not work on mobile or on iPad. We have cleared our caches. It happens on several difference devices of several different people.

Even if you cannot replicate the issue, it is still happening a lot. We are really concerned as this is probably causing lots of users to leave our site. Please advise. Thank you.

Hey Ashley,

We do neither offer phone support nor screen sharing.

I checked your site on an iPad and the full menu is shown.


On an iPhone, the burger menu works. I borrowed several iPhones here and it works every time.



The only instance it won’t work is if you scroll the page quickly back to the top that it reloads the page then you tap on the burger. Remember in the other thread that I said that Javascript-powered elements will wait for the page to completely load before they will work. Since you removed the slider, that waiting time is very short and I have replicated the issue you described once as it’s very hard to replicate. If this is what you and your users do, you will need to find a menu plugin that is CSS-powered (not a Javascript one). Regretfully, we haven’t tested CSS menus so you need to find one in the WordPress repository or in WP marketplaces.

Thank you for understanding.

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