GO PRO - what is it?

I keep getting asked to go pro, but i am not sure what it is and how it benefits me. If it benefits me, I’m in

Hi there,

Pro is our new theme that is available alongside X. https://theme.co/pro/

Right now the main difference between X and Pro is the addition of the header and footer builder. These powerful new builders allow you to have complete control over the design of your headers and footers with multiple different elements. They also allow you to assign unique headers/footers to each page/post if required.


ok I have upgraded two sites to pro and now they are redirecting to a completely different domain. Any ideas?

Hi There,

Please provide more detailed information about what you have done and provide the correct domain and the wrong the domain as the login information.

Thank you

it was a server issue, so now that have pro, do i need to install that over my xtheme

Hi there,

Yes, you will have to download and install the copy of Pro since it is a separate theme from X.

You should be able to get a copy of Pro on your Dashboard here.

Hope this helps.

YUP, DONE all that but now when i go to edit the builder is throwing up a 404

Not Found

The requested URL /x/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Hi there @seospec,

This usually means it’s an issue with the permalinks, make sure under your wp-admin > settings > permalinks that they are anything apart from default.

Once they are, re-save the permalinks and everything should work correctly.


That fixed it, i should have known, but now the loader just spins


Hey @seospec,

Please provide us wp-admin login details so We can take a closer look into it.


is there a secure way of sending that info

Yes use “Secure Note” to send that info, I forgot to mention it in previous reply.


@rahul done

Has anyone looked yet?

Apologies for the delay in reply.
Looks like you forgot to mention the website URL.



sorry lol

I am still no further forward here!!!

Hey There,

Thanks for updating in! Regretfully we still cannot check your site because the credentials is not working for us. It seems that the username is invalid: http://prntscr.com/ftoejl

Please double check it.

i have updated correct details!

Hi there,

First of all, thank you for your patience as this took longer than expected to resolve.

I managed to access your website and go to Pro Editor and found out the spinning logo effect is because of the Internal Server Error 500:

There are many possibilities that can cause this issue which we should rule out one by one. But at least we now know this is something related to your hosting service provider and we will do our best to give you the correct possibilities which you can contact your hosting provider:

  1. Mod_Security settings in the hosting:

This can be fixed by the hosting service provider, kindly contact them and ask to remove the Pro Builder Endpoint URLS such as http://legalmarketing.io/x/ from Mod_Security settings. While contacting the, kindly give them this guide:

  1. Files and Folders permission:

Make sure that all your Wordpress installation files and folders have read and write access. You can consult with your hosting service provider regarding this and give them this guide:


  1. Hosting internal Cache and Minification Services:

Some hosting providers have internal Caching system and assets minifying services. Pro minifies all it’s assets already and minifying the assets again will make conflicts. If the provider has such a service ask them to turn off for you.

I hope that I could give you a complete guide on possible causes that 500 error can be originated from, I also suggest that you contact your hosting service provider and ask them to check their log to see what was the problem.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.