First header set up

I am setting up our first header. I used a template. Why does it say “you do not have permission to inspect this element type”

Hello Allison,

Thanks for writing in! Please go to Cornerstone > Settings > Permissions > Elements and enable the deprecated Navigation Modal element. You can also delete it, use the Modal element, and insert the new Navigation elements.

Best Regards.

Thank you! How can I set the header up so that the logo is in the center and the navigation modal is on the far right? I set the container to right align and the design flex box horizontal to end, but it’s still next to the logo.

Hey Allison,

We need to check your structure in order for us to guide you with your header setup. With that said, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Secure note added, thank you.

Hey Allison,

You will need to set the Flexbox Horizontal alignment to Space Between

For more details about Flexbox, check this out:

Hope this helps.

Thank you. How can I set it to be centered with the page? It needs to be directly above booking & contact. I know it is technically centered on the header, but that is taking into account the menu on the side. I need it to be centered with the pages.

Hey Allison,

Your Container 1 and Container 3 must be of the same with so that the logo image in the Container 2 will be at the center of the page.

Adding a Gap element in the Container 1 can help.

Best Regards.

Thank you!

Hey Allison,

You’re most welcome!

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