Failed x theme update


I updated our Wordpress from version 4.5.16 to 5.5.3 on a staging site copy. Before that I passivated all the plugins. Then I tried to update X theme using automatic update (one click). First it downloaded the update, removed old, but then finally the process failed saying something like “failed to create folder x”. After this I saw that folder /themes/x was missing. Also X theme was missing from the admin page.

How should I fix this?

A) By installing x theme again (latest version, automatically or manually)? Should I first remove the existing (passivated) Cornerstone plugin? And finally activating it with the license key we have?
B) By copying the missing /themes/x folder back from live site and updating it differently? Perhaps manually, leaving some files in place?

HI @kimmojst,

Thanks for reaching out.

I suggest that you upload the latest version of the X theme to your website manually and also please remove the current version of your cornerstone plugin then install it again once you are done installing the latest version of the X theme.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

Thanks for help.

After I managed to install manually X theme and Cornerstone after upgrading Wordpress from version 4.5.16 to 5.5.3 on a staging site copy, I faced a new problem. (Earlier when trying to update X Theme after WP upgrade, it failed and removed the folder /themes/x…).

When I open a page in Cornerstone for editing, it just shows the template (header and footer), without any content.

Pages are listed in “Content” view and when I click the page row in this list, it opens it with full content as expected, but when I click the button “EDIT”, it shows just the template without any content (only header and footer).

Pages are correctly viewed (with content) on the site.

Any idea how to fix this editing problem?

Hi @kimmojst,

To better help you with your issue, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • FTP Access

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Secure note sent…

Hi @kimmojst,

Thank you for providing the credentials. I checked your setup and I found couple of issues which could be causing the issue. The PHP version you’ve is quite an old one, please upgrade it to the recommended version here

Contact your host to increase your allocated memory or do it yourself by adding this code in your wp-config.php

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

Also please check if your folder permissions are setup correctly by following this tutorial

Let us know how this goes!


Php updated, memory allocation increased and folder permissions are OK. These had no effect, so problem still exists…

Hello @kimmojst

There might be a few different reasons for this issue like cache or plugin conflict, I would suggest you troubleshoot with a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings.

  1. Testing for Plugin Conflict
  2. CSS/JS Customization
  3. Version Compatibility
  4. Disabling Cache

If none of those work for you and the issue still persist please let us know.

Hope it helps

All checked and none of those helped…

Hi @kimmojst,

Can you tell us what’s the version of your X theme before upgrading to the latest version? so that we could ask for help from our developers on how to fix your issue.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.


Old version was 4.4.2.

If we can’t solve this soon, we might need to re-create the site on fresh installation and copy content and settings manually.

If at the same time we upgrade our license to Pro edition for new site (staging version license), do our old (existing) site with X edition license remain fully functional, until we replace it with new version with Pro edition (license)?

Hi @kimmojst,

After going through your content, it seems that the existing Cornerstone content has been edited in the Block editor and that is the cause of the issue.
Regretfully, the content added through the Cornerstone editor is not editable in the Block or Gutenberg editor, and vice-versa. That’s why the edited content is not showing in the Cornerstone.
I would suggest you create it from scratch if you don’t have any backup version with you.



Content has not been edited in any other editor than in Cornerstone. I’m sure, because nobody else has edited it. Don’t know if update processes could alter content…

Anyway, it look like we have to create it from scratch. Could you please answer to my previous question about upgrading license from x to Pro and how it affects to old site having the x license, while creating new site version with upgraded Pro license.



Hello @kimmojst

Converting your X to Pro is one of the best choices you made. Everything inside the X theme is also available in Pro. Also, there’s a lot of functionality that Pro have and doesn’t have on X. Example, Pro have a Header and a Footer Builder where you can customize your header and footer layout by using Pro Builders.

Upgrading X theme to Pro theme will not affect your content and your license. I would recommend you to take the backup of your files and database before upgrading.

In case if you haven’t seen our documentation of converting X theme to Pro theme,please have a look at it.


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