DOMException in google PageSpeed Insights

Sorry, this is a follow on from a previous enquiry about DOMException in google PageSpeed Insights… I missed the notification of a reply and it’s now been closed.

From my checks, i have ascertained:

  • I deactivated all the plugins on the site and the browser error still exists.
  • The error only exists on the page with has a video on it.
  • It affects all my sites that have video backgrounds on them.
  • I currently have two sections on the page, one which has the video for desktop breakpoints and a second which has no video for mobile breakpoints. The error is present on both mobile and desktop.
  • When I remove the video from the page, the error goes.

Any ideas?

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I was able to hide one of the errors and we’ll probably release a fix for that. However I think the other one is being handled by the WordPress video library and I’m not sure we’ll be able to get it removed. What I would also try is exporting your video file to a format other then mp4 that an older mobile browser could use. I think pagespeed insights uses an older mobile browser and that’s why this error happens at all. Have a great day.