PageSpeed Insights - DOMException: Failed to load because no supported source was found


When I use a video as the background to a section. I create the video with no audio to make sure it autoplays okay but get a resulting error in PageSpeed Insights “DOMException: Failed to load because no supported source was found”.

I’m led to believe it is to do with Insights expecting to find an audio component to the video. Is there a way to tell PageSpeed that there shouldn’t be audio?

Not a big thing but I find losing those 4 points on my Best Practices score surprisingly annoying!

Hey @sarammog,

Thanks for reaching out!

The no audio video as a background has nothing to do with the “DOMException: Failed to load because no supported source was found”. There must be a culprit that is causing that issue. You can try disabling your plugins and activating them one by one then see how it goes.

Hope that helps.

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