Custom Socialmedia icons/links

Hello support team,

I know a feature is in the works, this option seems easier: Social: Quora

Referring to this: Socialmedia Links Inquiry

After a socialmedia icon is made, how is it inserted into the footer, or header?

It’s cumbersome, with all the elements, global css suggestion sounds easier.

Thank you in advance,


Hello support team,

Is there a way to add a img url for icon in functions.php?

// Add Uhive
// =============================================================================
function add_uhive($output) {
  $uhive = "http://your-quora-link-here/";
  $target_blank = x_output_target_blank( false );
  $output .= '<a href="' . $uhive         . '" class="uhive" title="Uhive" ' . $target_blank . '><i class="x-icon-quora" data-x-icon-b="&#xf2c4;" **is there a way to add icon somehow, in terms of url? ** aria-hidden="true"></i></a>';

  return $output;
add_filter('x_social_global_after', 'add_uhive');
// =============================================================================

Otherwise, element route is the only option, how is it inserted in the footer, to replace initial socialmedia icons?

Thank you in advance.


Hello @VVT,

Thanks for writing in!

You can replace the icon tag with an image tag:
<i class="x-icon-quora" data-x-icon-b="&#xf2c4;" **is there a way to add icon somehow, in terms of url? ** aria-hidden="true"></i>

Image tag:
<img src="link to your icon image here" alt="my icon image" />

And if you want more custom with no code needed, since you are using the Pro theme, you can simply create a custom Footer and be able to insert an image icon along with its link URL.

Best Regards.

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