Hello support team,
Is there a way to add a img url for icon in functions.php?
// Add Uhive
// =============================================================================
function add_uhive($output) {
$uhive = "http://your-quora-link-here/";
$target_blank = x_output_target_blank( false );
$output .= '<a href="' . $uhive . '" class="uhive" title="Uhive" ' . $target_blank . '><i class="x-icon-quora" data-x-icon-b="" **is there a way to add icon somehow, in terms of url? ** aria-hidden="true"></i></a>';
return $output;
add_filter('x_social_global_after', 'add_uhive');
// =============================================================================
Otherwise, element route is the only option, how is it inserted in the footer, to replace initial socialmedia icons?
website: https://vitalytennant.com
Thank you in advance.