Social: Quora

Good evening.
I’d like to insert in X - Theme Option ->Social not only the Instagram Icon, as I did a few minutes ago, but also the Quora icon. In the index there isn’t this famous social, where I partecipate.
How can I insert in a simple way (for example: like I did with Instagram) the icon of Quora social with the link to my profile? Thank you so much.

Hello Patrizia,

Thanks for writing in!

By default, Quora is not supported in X > Theme Options > Social. You will have to customize the social icons inorder to display Quora. To resolve your issue, since the child theme is already set up, please add the following code in your child theme’s functions.php file:

// Add Quora
// =============================================================================
function add_quora($output) {
  $quora = "http://your-quora-link-here/";
  $target_blank = x_output_target_blank( false );
  $output .= '<a href="' . $quora         . '" class="quora" title="Quora" ' . $target_blank . '><i class="x-icon-quora" data-x-icon-b="&#xf2c4;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>';

  return $output;
add_filter('x_social_global_after', 'add_quora');
// =============================================================================

Just do not forget to replace http://your-quora-link-here/ with your actual Quora profile link.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Thank you so much, RueNel,
now it’s perfect.
Please, I have another question in general about this argument (social icon in the footer).
I tried your function also to insert an icon for Spreaker, where I have crated my account in order to put my new podcasts. So I’d like to add the bottom for Spreaker, as I did for Instagram and Quora (thanks to you), because I use that kind of social.
For Spreaker (this is my account: I changed your function.php changing the word “quora” with “spreaker”.
The result is that I have another “Q” icon but with the correct link to my spreaker account.
So I have seen that the proble is only to change properly this: data-x-icon-b=" isn’t it?
But the problem is that I can’t find the right value to put for data-x-icon-b in order to have the logo of Spreaker insted of the Quora logo. Can you help me also for Spreaker. How can I change that value (if it is the only value I need to change, as I suppose)?
I have searcher in the forum, but noone asked for Spreaker icon.
Or is it better to open another topic for Spreaker?
Thank you so much.

Hey Patrizia,

The X Header and Footer Social uses Font Awesome and it doesn’t support Spreaker. I checked that here:

It’s true though that you should change the data-x-icon-b attribute. If you wish to learn more about that, please watch this quick video series

If you wish to use an image for Spreaker, you will need to change the HTML in the override code we’ve provided. Please note that we assume that you know HTML to be able to change the code. We do not provide coding help or fix and enhance the code we provide here in the forum.

For a none coding solution, I’d recommend that you upgrade to Pro so you could use the Footer Builder and add the Spreaker image logo.

Hope that helps.

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