Cornerstone editor issue with 6.4.14 and custom post type!

I use custom post types on one page, after the update to 6.4.14 I can no longer edit elements in the cornerstone editor!!!

screenshot_ 2024-03-26 um 14.27.15

All content is displayed in a container and when I click on it I get a question if I want to edit this container?

screenshot_ 2024-03-26 um 14.27.24

But when I click on “yes, continue” nothing happens and it is still a huge container!!! And i can’t add or delete anything.

I have noticed the same/similar problem - it seems to happen if there is a component on the page or post.

Thanks for the confirmation, but I don’t have the components directly in the post, just in the footer. But also did not help when these were removed.

I just went to last nights backup and reverted to 6.4.13 and it’s working again now. Luckily I didn’t lose any work

Same for me, rolled back to 6.4.13 and thanks to @spedney

!!! For all with custom post types, DONT UPDATE!
6.4.14 is not ready !!!

So, please, this is urgent!

I’m not sure I know what you mean here or am experiencing this. Can @Regnalf or someone else in a new thread send us credentials? Is this a single layout? Is this from {{dc:post:the_content}}?

I can make you a quick staging site, give me 5 mins… I’ll add it to the secure note here:

It is just a simple custom post type, not layout or archive. But if @spedney gave you credentials, let me know if you need mine too.

Fix is going out soon in 6.4.15. It was in reference to this issue, but clearly caused in an issue when using {{dc:post:the_content}} instead of The Content element in a Single Layout.


Thanks @charlie , always a pleasure!!! pro 6.4.15 solves the issue! :+1:

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You are most welcome @Regnalf

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