Content left, Sidebar Right on the Blog Pages Only

Hello, I am using some plugins to develop a site for a client that is making the normal settings not work. Typically, I would set the global layout to be content/sidebar. However, the plugin I am using utilizes the “template” setting on the individual pages. So I am unable to change some of the pages to make sure they stay fullwidth.

I need to have all blog post pages be content left, sidebar right. Is there some CSS to accomplish this?

Hello @gallagherBD,

Thanks for writing to us.

You need to set the Content/Sidebar from the Theme Options it would be applicable throughout the website, please ensure that you have added the widgets to the Main sidebar widget area. In case you want to full-width page you need to set the page template as “Blank - No Container | Header, Footer”

Hope it helps

Thanks for the response.

I understand that, as mentioned above there are reasons that I cannot just change that setting.

Is there another option?

Hey @gallagherBD,

This may only be possible if you are using the Pro theme. With the Pro theme, you can utilize the Layout Builder to create a custom single layout. This custom single layout can be assigned only to the blog posts or any other custom post type. If you are not familiar yet with the builder, please check this out:

Best Regards.

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