Contact Form 7 Not Submitting Form On Mobile Devices

Unfortunately the previous topic was closed before I could post again, but I’ve still not resolved the issue.

I’ve tried adding new ReCaptcha keys as suggested, but that did not resolve my issue.
I’ve created login credentials for you to visit the site and see if you can help further.

Remember, the contact form submits properly on desktop - it is not submitting forms from mobile (specifically iPhones). Thank you for your assistance.

Hi Zaepian,

Thank you for writing in, yes I can confirm the contact form is not submitting in mobile, but working fine on desktop. This seems to be a plugin conflict, please do a testing for plugin conflict, please make sure you Purge and deactivate the W3 Total Cache first.

Let us know how it goes,

Did you bother to read the previous topic that I linked to??
I already tried to deactivate all plugins and the problem persisted!

Why do you think I provided login credentials as requested in the previous forum post!?

It’s super frustrating waiting 6-8 hours for a response only to get a lazy response that doesn’t take into consideration the rest of the conversation already had. Please do better!

Hey @Zaepian,

We apologize for missing the details however, the plugin conflict test is just one way to see if the issue is coming from our theme.

You haven’t mentioned nor confirmed that if this issue is only with Contact Form 7 or if our theme is involved. Please provide confirmation by doing the following:

  1. Testing For Theme Related Issue
  2. Child Theme Testing

If the issue persists after switching to the default WordPress theme, the issue is only with Contact Form 7 and you should contact Contact Form 7 support. We only provide support for our products and the bundled premium plugins.


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