Change MEC events body font color Pt. 2

So this is a follow up of my original thread about changing the font color on the body of MEC events

So I see that the following CSS works to change it to red:

.mec-wrap :not(.elementor-widget-container)>p {
    color: #616161;

But why isn’t it going to black? To me it looks grey. Is there anyway to darken up the body text without turning it to a weird color? It’s barely visible. I just want it dark black and visible.

Would change the style of font help? If so where could I try this?


Hello John,

The code above only changes the colors of the paragraph texts. Those in the bulleted text will not be affected.

Using your browser’s Development Tool, you can check the live HTML code and find which CSS selector you need to use or what CSS code has been used to style the page.
Check out this video demonstration:

As an example code, you can use this:

.mec-single-event-description.mec-events-content ol li, .mec-single-event-description.mec-events-content ul li {
    color: red;

Make sure to change the color red to black when you apply this to your site. Be advised that custom coding is beyond the scope of our support under our Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with code and resolving potential conflicts, you may select our One service for further assistance.

Best Regards.

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