Cart thumbnail missing on mobile


my cart thumbnail of the products is missing on mobile.

try with this product:

Any idea?

Thx in advance!

Hi Nikolaus,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Did you mean the cart icon in the header? Upon checking, you’ve added the Cart element to a separate bar which is hidden for smaller screens. I’d suggest you to create another Bar and add the Cart Modal element inside, you can then show it on mobile screens and hide it for desktop screens using hide during breakpoints feature, for creating bars for different resolutions you can follow Mobile Menu no toggle

Hope this helps!

Hi, no I mean the product thumbnai´ls. they dissappear on mobile

Hi Nikolaus,

Thanks for reaching us.

I will suggest you to update the Theme and Builder to its latest version according to our version compatibility list at
Latest version of theme displays the product thumbnail in cart.

While updating please follow the best practices, see for more details.

Hope this will help.


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