Mobile Menu no toggle

Check this out:
If you visit this page with a mobile device the menu does not toggle, and I cannot figure out why.
Can you help me please?
Thank you

Hi @RendallN,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I believe you’ve not added a mobile menu, I see you’re using Pro Header so you have to manually add the mobile menu in your header. To do this add a new Bar in your Header Builder let’s say Mobile Bar (see screenshot)

Then add a Container and in Elements section add a Navigation Collapsed element (see screenshot)

Then inspect your Mobile Bar and go to Customize tab and hide it for large screens (see screenshot)

Now you need to hide the desktop menu in smaller screens, to do this repeat the above process for Desktop Bar and hide your desktop menu in small devices.

If you already have a mobile menu then this could be just a cache issue, as the content is being cached (see screenshot)

Try clearing out the cache and let us know how this goes!

That’s brilliant! Thank you so much!
Everything is fixed now

On behalf of my colleague, you’re welcome. Cheers! :slight_smile:

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