Hi Edward,
Thanks for the info, I have checked all your main pages and I find out that the Miscellaneous Knowledge
and Nutrition | Healthcare
have their own unique header assigned.
The rest of your main page is using the header named Global Header, now if we compare that Global Header to the header of the Miscellaneous Knowledge page, we can clearly see that this is built differently, it has a Bar 3 that house the banner.
So how to resolve this, if you have not already, you need to create a header unique for your other page (e.g. money business and mind-brain page, etc…). If you already have a header for the other pages, then you need to assign those properly.
Now let’s talk about this issue, why you can’t see the list of your built headers (https://prnt.sc/13gkfl8), I think this has something to do with your child theme customization. A quick test for this is to switch to the parent PRO theme and check the list of your header if it shows up. if it does, then you know it’s something on your childs theme.
You might ask, how did I open those Header Builder on my screenshots, use this link (https://prnt.sc/13glfnd) this will open the header that is assigned to the page that you’re viewing.
Hope this helps,