[Bug] Adding top border to footer adding a double scroll bar

Currently using the latest version of pro/wordpress etc. When adding a 1px top border to a bar in the footer a double scroll bar enters into play. It can be removed with overflow: hidden but want to report it so it can be fixed for anyone who might run into this.

Hey Rocky,

I tried what you described and there’s no double scroll bar on my end. I also checked your site registered to your license and I couldn’t see the overflow: hidden that you’ve added yet there’s no double scrollbar.

Before we can label something as a bug, we need to check ourselves first because maybe there’s a setting you should set to avoid the issue.

That said, please remove the overflow: hidden and give us the URL of the page having the double scrollbar issue.




I set the homepage to have the WIP footer and removed the overflow-y:hidden to the row element (css class .e18-1). Let me know if you need anything further.

Hi Rocky,

The double scrollbar appears if some of the element is taller or similar in height to its container. Here is in your case the Bar height and the Bar Content height are the same i.e 167px and that is the reason behind your issue.

I would suggest you reset the value for the Bar Content either to a lesser value than the Bar have, or set to auto to adjust it automatically. You can also set the Bar height to auto to get rid of this issue.

Hope it helps.

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