Beta 6 - Preview switcher only showing products

Hi there,

Since beta 6 the preview switcher in the Layout builder is only allowing me to select WooCommerce products, irrespective of the post type I select. This is causing the app.preview-error.missing-zone.cs_layout error in the Layout editor, also reported by a different user in another thread.

I’ve noticed that the “Content” screen of the builder also only lists products, rather than pages.

Thank you! Fixed for the next patch.

Hi @alexander how was this fixed? I am running into the same issue on beta 6.5. Is there a patch I can do myself?

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I’ll setup some text for that localization at the very least on Monday. And I’ll take a look at the issue where the layout isn’t being shown in the preview as well.

Going into the preview manager dropdown, you can select a valid page to preview which will fix the issue and the message from showing up.

Have a great weekend.