Autoptimize and X Pro


I’ve followed the performance tips on your website and installed the Autoptimize plugin to minify CSS/js, the issue is every time I try to go and edit a page using pro the X Pro Builder does not load up. And when I un-minify CSS/js, X Pro builder works.

Here is a quick video of what it looks like with Autoptimize ON.

Is there a workaround this to exclude a crucial js from minifying that’s causing X pro to not load up?

The main reason I am asking is that I don’t want my client to have to un-minify CSS/js every time they want to edit a page using X Pro. Seems a bit of a hassle on them when X Pro’s big selling point is the ease of editing pages.


Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for reaching out.

There is an option available in the Autoptimize to exclude the specific JavaScript files to minify. Please find the screenshot describing the settings.

To exclude the Cornerstone builder specific JavaScript, you can find more information from this thread: Cornerstone and X Theme Options not loading
The cause of this issue varies from case to case, and we can’t guarantee any solution as it related to 3rd party plugin. Please remember that we don’t offer any support or investigation related to 3rd party plugin.


Hey @tristup,

Thanks for getting back to me on this.

Would you be able to inform me which specific javascript I would need to exclude from minifying?

The link you’ve sent me isn’t relevant to my specific theme. I am using X pro theme on this website.


Hi Jonathan,

The Cornerstone builder is the Content Builder for Pro and that is integrated into the theme as part. So you just need to replace the plugins URLs with the themes
Please find the example below:

X: wp-content/plugins/cornerstone
Pro: wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone

Hope it works.

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