Extremely slow due Cornerstone...?

Hi, the site cococabane.com is extremely slow and in the GTmetrix site it seems the Cornerstone JS the biggest problem:

Lists the longest tasks on the main thread, useful for identifying worst contributors to input delay.

Learn how to improve this

I allready use WP Super cache and server settings seems okay:



Versie 5.9.3
Multisite Nee
Geheugenlimiet 128M
Max geheugenlimiet 512M
REST ingeschakeld Ja

Do you know or have tips how to improve?

Regards, Carel

Hello @cvdw,

Thanks for writing to us.

There are several reasons affection your website loading speed for example

  1. Choose a better web hosting provider
  2. Reduce image sizes
  3. Minify JS and CSS files
  4. Use advanced caching mechanisms with a caching plugin
  5. Use a CDN
  6. Cleanup WordPress database etc.

Please have a look at our doc about website performance improvement https://theme.co/docs/how-to-improve-site-performance
You can also check out this article to learn more about how to speed up your WordPress site.

You may check our video doc as well

Performance Tips: Image Optimization

Performance Tips: Critical Path CSS

Performance Tips: Minifying HTML, CSS & JS

Performance Tips: Reducing Plugin Load

Hope it helps

Thank you for your responce, I tried most of those things but the biggest problem seems to be this file:


Why the page is loading this file 4 times and the first time is 17.2 seconds! That’s extreem!

Regards, Carel

Hello Carel,

On this test, https://gtmetrix.com/reports/cococabane.com/lgv8YTjC/, the file that you mentioned were not loaded 4 times. Have you performed the minifications and the reduced plugin load that we have sent you? It is best that you create a staging site. We can turn ON the plugin one by one while testing with GTMetrix to know which plugin is causing this chain effect of loading the resource files. If you are not familiar in creating a staging site, perhaps this article can help you:

Best Regards.


I setup a staging site at https://staging.cococabane.com/wp-admin/

The biggest probem seems to be Slider Revolution but this is one of the Themeco approved plugins. Offcourse a slider is always slowing down but in this site extreme.

Maybe you can have a look. I send you a login fot the staging site!

Hey @cvdw,

We’re very sorry if you were expecting us to investigate your website speed issue. We cannot do that as website speed optimization is beyond the scope of our product support as it involves 3rd party plugins and other factors such as web host performance.

Also, if Cornerstone is slow, it would affect thousands of sites running it including my sites. None of them are slow even some are hosted in a shared web host. My sites are graded A in Gtmetrix. Cornerstone JS is not causing any delay. That is because I’ve optimized them properly using the best practices and some 3rd party optimization plugins. I cannot give my setup to you though as that is beyond the scope of support and overall WP configuration varies from site to site. Since website optimization often needs hands-on support, if you want us to optimize your site, check our Elite service here https://theme.co/elite.

With that said, the only thing I can provide you are a few pointers you test.

  1. Deactivate all the 3rd party plugins including your caching plugin and also deactivate the child theme and see the Gtmetrix result. Log this down on a note.
  2. Still with the child theme and all plugins deactivated, copy your site to another web host and see the Gtmetrix result. There are free web hosts you can use. Just look them up online.
  3. Compare the result from one server to the other. If the result is the same, we’ll post this case in our issue tracker to be queued for investigation by our development team.

Thank you for understanding.


I tried everything on the staging site but the problems seems to be the combination of the Cornerstone JS and Slider Revolution. The Cornerstone JS keeps loading several times. See this:

When setting all in Autoptimize as explaned in the video’s you send, The combined JS file becomes the problem. See this:

Disabling all other plugins make no difference. It must be something between the Cornerstone JS and Slider Revolution but I can’t find what or why. I have a lot of other sites with X ans Slider Revolution without problems…

Hi @cvdw,

As my colleague says that investigating the reason behind the Page Speed issue is beyond the scope of our Theme Support. And If you want us to optimize your website, please contact our Elite team on that.


Yes, I completely understand that page speed is beyond the scope of your support. But because it’s the Cornerstone JS what is taking so long and loaded a serveral times this is not really about the speed but about why this JS file is doing this…

Hi @cvdw,

You can try by excluding the specific JavaScript files to minify which can help you on this. There is an option available in the Autoptimize which can be used for that. I would suggest you go through the following thread on this.

Hope it helps.

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