Adding Style CSS to Section


I just got the X Theme and was looking to make a section fit page height.

When I searched, I saw this: How to center an element horizontally and vertically... and fit all browsers/screens

Which seems like it would work, however I don’t see where to add the Style CSS.

Could someone help me? It’s probably obvious but I’m still getting my bearings in Cornerstone.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Alex,

To add the custom CSS to the section or element, please check this article.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

Hi Marc,

Thanks for your response. Yeah, I saw that but I don’t see the CSS part under Setup? Not sure if it’s moved since the screencap was made, or if I need a permission on to see it, or something else?

Thanks again.

Hi Alex,

You need to enable the Advanced Mode in order for you to see the other options. To do that, click the navigation menu and go to Preferences, then enable the Advanced Mode.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

Hi Marc,

I have advanced mode on already.

I’ve attached a pic of what I see.

Hi Alex,

Please see the secure note showing how you can access the element CSS. If you can’t see it on your end, would you sharing your WordPress credentials so that we can confirm? To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Ah, that’s a facepalm for me, haha. Still getting my bearings on Cornerstone, as I said, and completely missed that.

The one problem I have now is that the fix i posted earlier( min-height: 100vh; ) doesn’t account for menu and breadcrumbs so the section overruns.

Thanks very much for your help and patience.

Hi Alex,

Would you mind sharing your page URL so that we can check and confirm? In that way, we can give you some advice on how to fix it.

Thank you.

It’s not live so I’ll send a secure note.

Hello Alex,

Can you please let us know which part you are having the issue with on the given page URL? I would suggest, it would better if you could provide a marking screenshot.


Hi Prakash,

I was trying to get the section height to fill the page, when I added the code it didn’t account for the header menu and breadcrumb areas so it spilled over. I guess it’s only supposed to work if you have sidebar menus, or something. Unless there’s something you had in mind to try, I’ll just try and figure it out next week.


One thing you could help me with. I’d like to upgrade to Pro, is that an option, or do I have to rebuy?

Hi Alex,

Great! Yes, there’s an option to upgrade your X to Pro, you just need to pay the difference. Upon checking on your account, you just need to pay $39 and it’s already 60% off. Please check this article on how you can convert X to Pro.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

Thanks all of you for your help. I think you can close this now.

You’re welcome, Alex.

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