A License Question

Hey Guys,

Prior to launching my website I have changed the Business Trading Name and URL.

My OLD URL was dipa.com.au and my NEW URL is ripaa.com.au

I am now getting the following message: “This X license is ​ not validated ​. [Fix]”

Is this just as simple as it says i.e. I press the butting to ‘Fix’ and this will update my license with you guys are everything will be fine?

Do I need to inform you guys that my license is required for my new URL and trading name?

I’m being extra careful, as should anything happen to my website or license at this stage prior to launching my business it could very badly affect me.

Thank you.

Hey @Good_Usernames_Gone,

Yes, please click the Fix link to validate your ripaa.com.au domain. If you forgot the Product Validation process, please review the instruction here: https://theme.co/docs/product-validation

Right now, I still see dipa.com.au as the registered domain for your license (see secure note). Click the pencil icon to change the domain to ripaa.com.au.

Hope that helps.

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Hello Simon,

Please check out this documentation:

You need to clear your plugin caches as well.

By the way, I have checked your site using private browsing mode and this is what I am seeing now.

  • see the secure note below.

Best Regards.