6.6 Beta 2 - Google Maps Issues

Hi Charlie,

I am in the process of creating a Single Layout for MEC and have hit a handful of problems.

Firstly, the map does not preview in any form in Cornerstone (see screenshot). It does render on the front end though.

Secondly, dynamic content does not seem to be coming through from the longitude and latitude looper. I have tested the two looper results as plain text and I can see they are correct. They just don’t seem to work in the Map element. With the dynamic content in place, the map is set to latitude: 0 and longitude: 0

Can you replicate this behaviour?


Hello @whitemedia,

Thank you for the inquiry.

There’s a Google Map API key error ( RefererNotAllowedMapError) when we checked the site.


The current URL loading the Maps JavaScript API has not been added to the list of allowed referrers. Please check the referrer settings of your API key in the Cloud console.

See the Maps JavaScript API and Get an API Key.

There’s also a jQuery error but it might not be related.

Please correct the RefererNotAllowedMapError issue above so that we can check the preview issue.

Thank you.


Very strange. The API is restricted for the website with wildcards. I have double checked - see below.

API Website Restriction

Despite this and the API key being 100% correct, I am also seeing the same error.

However, aside from the Google error, this is presumably separate to the dynamic content issue for longitude and latitude?


To do with this issue?

That makes sense @spedney. Thanks for highlighting it. On the front end, the map displays normally, but not with dynamic content for long/lat. No marker present and centered on the equator / Greenwich meridian on the site itself (see screenshot)

The Dynamic content issue must still be a separate issue though.

On the Google front, I notice there is a deprecated notice for the markers in the console, present since 2024. Is this something, which needs dealing with? (please see screenshot again)