Z-index not working in my case

Hi! I am applying a z-index of 999 to my section that I want on top but the image on that section is still appearing below the second section (see attached image). Is there a reason z-index is not working for me? or is there something i’m missing?
Thank you

Hi Delfina,

Thanks for reaching out.

The second section is not appearing on your website because the second section is hidden on a specific devices.

I am guessing that you made the condition in the hide breakpoints, to double check the settings please go to your section and click the customize tab and double check the hide breakpoints.

Only if none of that helps, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

There are not hide breaking points for the section but there is for the row. I’ll attach a secure note.

Thank you

Hi Delfina,

I checked your site and I see that you added a banner in two sections. The first section is hidden in the mobile view and the second section is hidden in the Desktop and the Tab view. The banner shows properly.

Please take look on the screenshot.

If we miss something please elaborate the issue with a marking screenshot.


Hi! For some reason I am not viewing it correctly in my computer. I still see the “p” cut off.

Hey Delfina,

Your image is a gif file. See the secure note.
It is cut off because you have set the background-size to “cover”. If you want to display the whole image, set it to “contain” instead.


To learn more about how the background image and background image size behaves, kindly check out this documentation:

Awesome! Thank you

You are most welcome!

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