WPML Translation of a page goes missing when navigating the website


I noticed this strange behavior on one of my clients’ website (French is the main language) where a page created in a second language (English) will display properly within Cornerstone but if I browse the website normally, the French version of the page is displayed.

If I edit the English page within Cornerstone to add an element, I see it appear in the builder and I’m able to save and reload the builder to see that it is still there. However, the same French version that I talked about will still be displayed when I try to see the page directly on the website.

We made sure that the pages weren’t duplicated copies of the original page so that shouldn’t be happening at all. We tried to update all the plugins / theme / WordPress on the website to see if there was a compatibility issue but that didn’t solve the problem.

I also found a way to recreate this problem. With WPML installed, you need to go in a page that was created as a translation to a page in the main language. No matter the way you edit the page with Cornerstone, saving the content will change what you see on the website to display the page in the main language while Cornerstone will still display the right version of your page.

Hey @TactikMedia,

This is because you’re using WPML’s Translation Editor. You will need to ask WPML’s support to learn how to remove the page translation so that the page can be translated manually which by the way is the method used by Cornerstone. When you click the Translation (Flag) Icons, Cornerstone will do the manual translation method.

I will, however, post this in our issue tracker to see if we can improve Cornerstone with regards to this case.


I don’t understand how this happened because everything was working correctly for at least 2 years with X and WPML? We always used Cornerstone to edit a page in English instead of using WPML’s String Translation like in the picture you added.

I’ll create a support ticket on WPML’s website, thanks for your help!

Hey @TactikMedia,

There could have been changes on WPML’s side. I have posted this in our issue tracker so our development team could investigate this too. For now, what I know is just the cause of the issue.


I was told to check back with you guys after talking with WPML’s live chat support. We tried a couple of workarounds but none of them seemed to work.

We’ve been using Cornerstone to edit our translated pages for more than 3 years now rather than using the WPML editor since our translated pages are sometimes different than the original page. We’re unable to do that with the website I posted in the secure note and it’s causing a couple of issues…

I tried to disable the “page-builder-shortcode-strings-xxx” from String Translation but that does nothing at all…

Hey @TactikMedia,

We’re currently investigating the issue. For now, try downgrading WPML and other WPML addons in your live site to the following:

  • WPML Multilingual CMS - 4.0.6
  • WPML String Translation - 2.8.6
  • WPML Translation Management - 2.6.7


Hi @TactikMedia,

As an addition to @christian_y recommendation, please try these versions too

WPML Multilingual CMS - 4.2.6
WPML String Translation - 2.10.4
WPML Translation Management - 2.8.5

I have done some testing and all these issues happened after the WPML updates especially the 4.2.7. Though, I’m not ruling that out yet as I have different findings from each report, some has redirections. Would it be okay if you provide the working credentials again? I like to check it again perhaps those multiple reports are not related at all and isolated to user configuration.



We downgraded to the versions specified by @christian_y last week and it fixed the issue for now. We managed to every page/product where the translation went missing after updating a page.

I upgraded the plugins to the one you specified @Rad and it seems to be working as well. Before downgrading WPML on the live website, we tested it on the install I specified in the secure note but we forgot to re-create your test account, this issue is now resolved and the credentials are the same as the first secure note.

I also made sure to downgrade WPML Media to 2.3.7 and WooCommerce Multilingual to 4.3.6


Thank you for testing and confirming what version works, @TactikMedia.

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