WPML Translation Issues - Layout and Mixed Content

I am having wpml translation issues with changes I needed to make to our career page.
I have read various threads on this issue:

The only adjust I needed to make was to uncheck: "Admin > WPML > Settings > Posts and pages synchronization and make sure the option Synchronize page template is unchecked. However, nothing has worked.

The classic headlines are displaying both EN and DE content. I tried changing to the newer Headline Element for the DE version, but this has not resolved the problem.

I have added a couple of screenshots to help explain the problem.
This is the page I am having problems with: https://www.managetopia.com/de/x/#/content/3910/layout?lang=de

Cornerstone listing of DE page:

Preview online with mixed EN & DE content:

Tried to resolve issue by changing classic headline elements to newer headline element - interesting result!

Last but not least, I’m using Cornerstone Version 3.5.4. Here’s an overview of the WPML versions:

I have spent numerous hours trying to fix the problem. Seeing it is the weekend, I have had to remove the career page from the menu completely.

Hoping you can help resolve this problem soon.

I will send my login credentials in a separate private message.

Appreciate your assistance with this issue.

Hi @managet0p_xtheme,

Thanks for reaching out.

This seems not related to WPML nor cornerstone since it works pretty well on the builder. This could be due to caching, would you mind providing your FTP login credentials as well? Though, that’s just my assumption, will check it further through FTP.


Hi @Rad,
Caching? I find that very strange.
FYI, I cleared the theme’s cache, WPML cache and browser cache several times, but that did not solve the problem.
I will of course share my FTP credentials as requested in a separate private msg., as this is urgent and I need to get this fixed asap. Please note: some of the files on the server cannot be edited, this ties in with the hosting package we have.

If you do make any adjustments, please by all means let me know. Thanks.

I hope we can get this resolved soon, as I need to make urgent amendments to other pages for our site, but fearful I will encounter the same issue, so I will wait until the problem with the career page is resolved first.

Appreciate your assistance and help in getting this issue resolved soon.


Hey @managet0p_xtheme,

The issue with the German page (see secure note) is that you used WPML’s Translation Editor and that is loaded instead of the Cornerstone built version.

Please contact WPML support or refer to WPML’s documentation to learn how to remove the page from the Translation Editor so the manual translation which the builder uses will work.


Hi @managet0p_xtheme,

Could you try downgrading your plugins these versions?

WPML Multilingual CMS - 4.2.6
WPML String Translation - 2.10.4
WPML Translation Management - 2.8.5

I have done some testing and all these issues happened after the WPML updates especially the 4.2.7. Though I’m not ruling that out yet as I have different findings from each report, one has redirections. Would it be okay if you provide the working credentials again? I like to check it again perhaps those multiple reports are not related at all and isolated to user configuration.


Hi Rad,
Apologies for only coming back to you now.
After Christian’s reply, I contacted WPML customer support. The issue was finally resolved on Friday afternoon, so you may close this ticket. Sorry, about not confirming earlier and thanks as always for your support.

BTW, the server caching and settings were all fine, no version downgrading of any of the WPML plugins were necessary. The issue was caused with redirecting that particular page (Yoast SEO Premium Plugin), which forced the WPML translation editor to disable manual translations, hence the display of mixed EN & DE content. By disconnecting the parent page (EN Default Page) making minor adjustments to the DE translation in Cornerstone and then reconnecting again to the EN default page, it worked!!!

Furthermore, redirects using Yoast seems to be a bigger issue and bug fix for redirects won’t be fixed until one of the next releases. Would you possibly have an alternative SEO Plugin recommendation that works well with multilingual pages built with Cornerstone?

Thanks again for your assistance, sorry about not getting back to you earlier with an update.

Hi @managet0p_xtheme,

May I know which Yoast version is causing this? And thanks for sharing!


Hi @Rad,
using Yoast SEO Premium version 11.5 when the issue occurred.
I updated to version 11.6, but problem still not resolved.

To give you the full overview, using the following versions:

  • WordPress 5.1.1 (hosting provider has not released 5.2X yet)
  • X-Theme, Cornerstone and all Plugins up to date
  • Yoast SEO Multilingual 1.0.1

I’ve just received an update from Yoast and they have confirmed that they cannot fix the issue and I need to go back to WPML and find a workaround to solve the problem. It appears there are several confirmed workarounds available!!! Apparently, a line of code for one of the WPML files needs to be edited.

I asked a question in my previous message…can you recommend an alternative SEO plugin to Yoast?

Thanks & have a good day!

Hi @managet0p_xtheme,

Thanks for the information, though we may need to contact WPML too about this issue since it’s between their plugins and the builder just got affected.

You could try Polylang as an alternative for now, though I can’t recommend other SEO plugins as I didn’t fully try them myself. Though, I think anything could work, it just that Yoast and WPML has integration ( Yoast SEO Multilingual 1.0.1 is WPML addons)


Hi @Rad,
I need to come back to the original problem with pages showing mixed DE & EN default content.
After making changes to all main pages of our website today, I have figured out what is causing the problem.

When you change any content in the either the default language version or secondary language and save in Cornerstone and that page includes ANY Classic elements, then once saved the online result will display mixed content for ALL Classic elements. As an example, I have included 2 screenshots, i.e. what the Cornerstone preview is displaying and what is being displayed online. In this case the Classic Headline Element was used.

There are a couple of Classic elements that I have to continue to use, as there are no alternative new ones. Also, I am using the Essential Addons for Cornerstone, which enables Slider, Carousel, etc., etc., additional functionality which I need.

There is a fix which ties in with above screenshots and issue, but the workaround is extremely time-consuming and I presume long-term risky.

I wanted to share the fix:

  • Open the Secondary Language translation of the specific page
  • Under the Language section , Select “–None–” for the option “This is a translation of”
  • Update the page and refresh, make sure you stay on the same page
  • Click on Edit with Cornerstone,
  • Make some minor changes, save and exit to the dashboard
  • Under the Language section , Click “Connect with translation” Choose English default page to assign
  • Update the translation

Can you please contact WPML as I would consider this a bug fix and something major and I am sure it is effecting other clients too. Perhaps in the next release you’ll be able to sort it out?

Appreciate if you could keep me updated on this.

Thanks again,

Hi Cara,

Thank you for your detailed information. Sure thing we will be in contact with the WPML plugin and this is something that we keep a close eye on.

Just as a side note, we are going to release new elements in the latest update which will literally remove the need to use the Classic elements. But the ones that you mentioned are not our elements and it is a third party plugin which we can not guarantee a working solution for those elements. But we are going to check our classic elements for sure to find the problem cause with WPML.

Thank you.

Hi @christopher.amirian,
Thanks for the update.

Can you keep me updated on the status.

That would be great.


Hi Cara,

The workaround that works on my end is this,

  1. I have an old page translated on the old versions of WPML
  2. After updating to 4.2.7 and its bundles, wrong content is displaying to another page
  3. It’s supposed to display a Cat image, but displays smiley image on the live page.
  4. So I disabled the WPML plugins and directly paste the URL of the builder with the post ID to my browser address bar, eg. http://example.com/x/#/content/49, it actually loads without WPML since it’s a builder and a translation is still a valid post type.
  5. I re-saved it, then the smiley image is replaced by Cat image on the live page
  6. I activated the WPML plugins and I no longer have issues on live pages displaying wrong contents.

The common thing that we both do is re-saving it, which probably clears the cache. But because we can’t edit it with cornerstone while WPML is active, there is no way to save since the builder won’t load and which I need to find out why. It works on pages with translation that still connected, so selecting --None-- might not the fix but the re-saving process. Will continue checking.


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