WPML translation page cornerstone preview / load issue

I’m having an issue with thrying to translate pages with WPML.

I first tried using WPML’s Translation Editor, but not all text fields seam to be pulled from cornerstone.

I turned that off and then tried instead to edit the translation page which is a duplicate of the english, but when i try loading cornerstane, it gives this error each time:


The preview could not load. This is most often related to a plugin conflict or aggressive page cacheing. Checking the developer console for errors could indicate what went wrong.

Origin URL: https://ethierupdate.wpengine.com

Preview URL: https://ethierupdate.wpengine.com/hearing-aid-faq/?lang=fr

I have tried loading this translation page 2 ways:

  • On the standard wordpress edit page, i click in the side settings to edit the translation. Then when the french page loads, i click edit in cornerstone and get this error
  1. I open the english version (primary language) In cornerstone which loads fine. I click the french flag (secondary language) flag in the bottom right corner. Page reloads and shows that error.

I am hosted with wp-engine and using cloudflare for DNS.
I have:

  • Cleared wp-engine cache
  • cleared cloudflare cache and set in developer mode
  • cleared browser cache.
  • cleared xtheme Style Cache

Still i get the same issue. I’ve even tried just reloading cornerstone it’s self when it’s showing the message and it just shows it again each time.

Any ideas? Thank you

Hi @ajmartin,

Thanks for reaching out.

Please cheack this thread https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/wpml-issue/48740/2 and make sure it’s configured the same and test it again. If it’s still not working then please provide your admin login credentials in the secure note and I’ll check it.


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