WP Armour + Form Integration Element Issue

Alright – this appears to be a bit of an odd one / edge case but I wanted to bring it to your attention since it looks like it is due to how the Form Integration element works.

  1. Install Gravity Forms
  2. Create a form with a required field (like email address)
  3. Install WP Armour (incredible plugin for cutting down on spam)
  4. Place your form from #2 onto a CS page using Form Integration element + Gravity Forms
  5. Fill out your form but leave your required field blank.
  6. You’ll get a standard error message that the form has required fields.
  7. Enter the required field and it’ll trigger the spambot deny submission

Fixing this was as simple as using the Gravity Forms shortcode in a Raw element vs the Form Integration element. Not sure what was causing the issue though…

I did find this from the developer in regard to Beaver Builder which gave me the idea to try the raw element:

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Off topic: Try this plugin with gravity forms https://wordpress.org/plugins/gravity-forms-zero-spam/. Love it, not a single spam entry.


Might just need to give that a try. Looks like they might be using similar methods. Just had somebody else recommend that one as well. Thanks!

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So internally we are just using the shortcodes. The only differences is that we call this prior to rendering the shortcode. Probably just to prevent issues, but maybe it’s causing issues. It also renders dynamic content prior to the shortcode. Can you paste what shortcode you used in the raw content? I can see if it’s one of the shortcode attributes we are using as well.