Woocommerce Cart Icon - Cart should show number of products in the cart

Hi There -

Our site uses theme XVersion: 10.5.14 and Cornerstone Version 7.5.14. We also use Woocommerce.

We would like to have the cart icon display an indicator concerning the number of products that are in the cart.

For example see the following cart-icon-product-notice

I found this thread concerning this, but it is referencing the pro theme

Are there instructions for the X theme?

Thank you

Hello @Tim845,

You can add the dynamic content code to display the cart item count.

Please note that you can not call the dynamic content code in the X theme Header since there is no Header builder in the X theme, so you can not insert any dynamic content code in the X theme. Please remember that the dynamic content code can only be inserted in the builder.

Hope it helps