Where is this?

Where is " the Layout - Portfolio page template?" Looked for in several places, could not find it. Can you help…

Hello @designwerks,

Thanks for writing to us.

It is a page template so in case you are editing the page through the Cornerstone page builder then you need to go to page —>Edit with Cornerstone—>Click on settings Icon–>Page Template —>Seelct the Template from the dropdown.

Home-Page-Builder-Pro (11)

In case you are using the default WordPress page editor Gutanburg then you need to go to page —>Edit—>Settings —>Template—>Seelct the Template from the dropdown.

Edit-Page-“Ελληνικά-Greek”-‹-TEST-—-WordPress (1)

Hope it helps

I still need some clarity. What you shared does not line up with the document I was using to build.
Please see the attached screenshot.

Hello Wendell,

You will go to Pages > All Pages and then select which page to Edit:

Select the Page Template which you can find on the right side of your Page Editing screen:

For more details about the Portfolio Settings, please check this out:

Best Regards.

Hope this helps.

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