I am facing a weird issue on a new website i built in the end of last year with PRO 5.XXX and that is now running PRO 6.XXX
Since the update, i can not see my sliders anymore. This only happens in CORNERSTONE. While visiting the website, everything seems fine.
Is it a known issue ? Is there a way to know what is happening ?
Troubleshooting :
1/ De-activating all plugin / re-activation : Done
2/ Updating everything : Done
3/ PHP is up to date.
4/ PRO is up to date.
5/ Tried to create a new page and put one of the old slider in (as template) : Does not work.
6 / Creating a new slider on a old page : Does not work.
7/ Creation a new slider on a old page : Works properly, but if at any point i put an old slider to this page, all the sliders will suddenly stop appearing.
8/ All cache / Cornerstone cache / CDN cleared.
Note : I can still hover over the slider element and the slides. They are just not “appearing” properly.
I tried to see if it was a Z-index thing, but it does not seems to be.
Could you please help me ?
Thank you very much.