Video position on Starter stack

Is this true? As whenever I switch to a starter stack it seems to position top left instead?

Hey @RubberDuckers,

Thanks for reaching out!

Yes, the background video will always cover the section.

Then how can we change it to be centered?

More fantastic support here :roll_eyes:. So in this thread Video Background Not Filling Space I was told that the video background not covering the section is a feature (not a bug) of the Starter stack. But according to @marc_a apparently the background video will always cover the section?

This is the code copied from the Integrity stack that you can add to Global CSS or your child theme, should then cover and be centered.

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Hey @rosstm,

Thanks for chiming in!

@RubberDuckers, if you used the Starter or Blank stack, you may add the custom CSS to make it centered.


Thanks for this - I find it typically covers the space as long as it’s a file (not an embed) BUT agreed, on the Starter stack it defaults to the top left instead.

Appreciate this is for ‘doing more custom CSS on’ and I prefer using it overall than one of the default stacks, but this seems to be something that always needs changing (who would want the video in the top left?)

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You are most welcome.

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