Using Cornerstone to modify pages already built with X, but replaced with Pro

I’ve seen some similar posts about this, but they always seem to be regarding theme or plugin conflicts not applicable to my situation (or maybe it is).

I’ve been watching all of the Cornerstone videos on YouTube, but I haven’t seen anything that addresses this.

So I have a site originally built with X, then replaced with Pro.

Those pages were built with the page template “Blank - No Container | Header, Footer.”

I’ve built a header within Cornerstone that I’d like to replace within the site, but it doesn’t seem I can access that part of the page template within Cornerstone.

Is it possible?

Do I need to create new pages from the ground up within Cornerstone?

Hello @ChadAustin,

Thanks for writing to us.

It seems that you want to assign the Header to your site, I would suggest you go to the Cornerstone—>Header—>select the Header ----> Settings —>Conditions —>Set it as Entire site, the header will be applied Globally to the whole site.

In case you have not seen the condition and assignment doc please have a look at it.


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Thanks Prakash! That did it!

I will read the doc link you sent.

Hey @ChadAustin,

You’re most welcome!

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