User interactions with API data

Hey there,

I’m wondering if there currently are mechanisms available to let people on the front end of the site interact with data pulled from an API. An example would be a random image with a button that can be clicked to retrieve another random image.

If the button redirected to the same page you are on, and you were utilizing {{dc:random:integer}} or something similar, that could work. If you are talking about AJAX, yeah probably not possible without custom code.

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Thanks @charlie, I can see how that could work.

Not having AJAX for these types of things is a bummer since you can’t get that true app-like experience.


It is, we’ll have to work out some ideas for dealing with interactions dynamically and it’s definitely a serious project. Other web builders might have something similar to this, but my ideal is similar to the Unity3D event system. This example being a button that when clicked changes the tab and hides another canvas.


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Awesome, that sounds good. And thanks for thinking about it, this would be so nice to have natively in Pro.

As for the technical side of it, I’ll gladly leave that up to you guys. I’m 100% certain that you’ll come up with a great solution as usual :smile:

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