Use thumbnails in recent post


I like the recent post output. But the images used are the originals full size and not the thumbnails. Even the little 56x56px are full size. This make the page much to heavy. How can I use the thumbnails please?




Hello @Cormoran42,

Thanks for writing to us.

By default, it set the image size as full. You can set the featured image size in the dynamic content {{dc:post:featured_image_id size="medium"}}.

In Pro 4 and Cornerstone 5, we have a way to apply a thumbnail size in some cases but it’s a bit of a workaround.

  • Under preferences, enable the Dev Console.
  • Inspect an Image element and open the console
  • Look for image_source and enter {{dc:post:featured_image_id size="medium"}} That size attribute accepts any thumbnail size and will default to full if not set.

This should work for any of the image controls in the builder but because it is just retrieving the attachment ID you can use it for any inline <img> tags that you add directly to your content.

Hope it helps

it worked like a charm thanks!

Hello @Cormoran42,

Glad that we were able to help you. Please feel free to reach us if you have any query regarding our theme and theme settings.


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