Hi there,
I went through your entire article about the posts blocks in cornerstone https://theme.co/docs/posts .
I’ve been using it for some time now, but once I started to measure my website performance I found out that right on my home page this block loads the full-sized featured images even when they are not needed.
Even for the little 49x49px thumbnails, it does load the full featured image.
If you multiply for all the posts it pulls a big amount of data only to display a few tiny thumbnails making the whole block quite inefficient.
Is there a workaround or I have to give up using these blocks?
Just to be clear, I’m fine with the original size of the photo and to use it as featured as it looks good in the single post page, but how can I select as dynamic content the thumbnail version of the same image (that WordPress has already generated and I can select in the post editor, for example).