Usability request: images

Good stuff! Will clicking the preview area still remove the image in that version?


Yes, itā€™ll work nearly the same, except that the dynamic content dropdown is in the text input, and the text input can control the image.

Do you consider this the ā€œfinalā€ implementation, or would that be the first step to whatever you envision as the final control element?

Its the first step, he wrote ā€œWeā€™re going to start simple at first with the changes to images like belowā€ :slight_smile:

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Indeed. And hopefully the second step would be to open the currently selected image in the media library instead of removing the selected image when you click on the preview. Then it would be perfect. Well, apart from also having a title attribute control and an image description field :grin:

Not necessarily a final implementation, I was also of the group to have the image selector always open the media library. There was enough debate internally to decide that weā€™re just going to add a text input for now. I will say the image removal is nice because it clears the text input for you to insert another dynamic content string without it being added to your current dynamic content string. I think a clear button or clear keybinding for regular dynamic content inputs would be nice.

The biggest pain point for me is not being able to know what the image is. There are often times where, for whatever reason, I need to know the image name. This is critical in sites with thousands of images.

The only way to do this is visit the front end of the site and inspect the element and view the source.

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You can inspect the page in Cornerstone aswell. In Chrome just press F12, probably this helps in the meantime :slight_smile:

I use Firefox and i do inspect on the images in the builder or rather I did but donā€™t any more. The issue I find with inspecting the image in the builder is that it is quite easy to inadvertently click the image holder instead of inspecting it and then the image is removed. Iā€™ve done this several times and it sites with thousands of image it is tricky to find the image again in the media library if you donā€™t know what it is called.

I inspect the live view so you can see the absolute image path in the source code:

Like this there is no danger of accidentally removing the image.

The next release will have a source text edit similar to my picture earlier. I like the feature requests. I think weā€™re going to take a look at other builders to see how they accomplish some of this too. I could see us adding an overlay of the image with additional info like title.

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Hey @charlie, the changes made to the image controls in the recent update havenā€™t done much to fix the usability issues. Clicking the image preview still removes the image. I still think it would be far better if the currently selected image opens up in the media library modal, where you could simply close the modal and not have the image be removed, or select a different image from the library.
In the top right of the image preview you could put a delete button. Wouldnā€™t this be much better than how itā€™s done now?


I agree, what you just described is something I was looking for too. itā€™s something we can revisit if thereā€™s enough support.


I support it!


Support here also, I think from most people here as it has been brought up multiple times in different threads.