Upgrade to Wordpress 5.4 recommended?

We are currently using X – Child Theme Version 7.1.2 and Cornerstone Version 4.2.3.

Can you recommend upgrading Wordpress to 5.4 or are there still known issues or conflicts?

Many thanks in advance for your feedback.

Hello @managet0p_xtheme,

We currently recommend Wordpress version 5.3.2 as it is a tested version.

We are still doing some testing for the latest version of Wordpress.

You can find the list of recommended versions here:

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your very quick feedback @jade.

Any idea when testing will be completed for WP 5.4?

Thanks again

Hey @managet0p_xtheme,

Regretfully, we do not have an timeline when it will be completed. Please stay tuned for updates.


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