Update to Pro 6.4.0 b3 - image element width issue

Updating to Pro 6.4.0 b3 on a site and an image in a header container now has additional css applied to it that is throwing out the layout.

Original header on Pro 6.3.9:

Issue with header in Pro 6.4.0 b3

This is the styling on the inner <img... element in Pro 6.3.9:

As you can see, there are no element specific styling being applied, only integrity base styles.

And then this is the same <img... element in Pro 6.4.0 b3:

It is the width: 100%; that is throwing this layout off, trying to fill the flex-box container in the header.

Previously, the object-fit and object-position properties were left out entirely if they were left as their defaults of fill and 50% 50%, but these are now being output.

In Pro 6.3.9, it is possible to give the mcs9-0.x-image img a width: 100% property by setting Size to 100%:

Currently I can’t find a way to get the image to be auto width in Pro 6.4.0 b3 without custom element CSS to override the width: 100%

In fact, even setting $el.x-image img { width: auto; } or width: unset doesn’t revert back to Pro 6.3.9 behaviour, as it still overrides the img attribute styles of its pixel size (in this case 300px)

I’m also seeing this or a similar behaviour with images. If I remove the width:100% from the CSS then it looks as expected.


I see the issue and I’ll have to revert a bug fix for now. The issue being going from auto to another value back to auto would not work. You’ll see this upated next update, thanks!