Update issue - critical error and font issues (take 2)


I’ve described my initial problem here: Update issue - critical error & font issues and I’ve updated the plugins and cleared the cache as you recommended, however, the problem with the fonts persists. Would you be able to assist me further?

Thank you in advance, I’m very grateful for your great support team.


Hello @neskec,

Thanks for writing to us.

I tried to access your site dashboard but the given login details are not working. Please recheck and send it to us again so we can recheck it. Please share the FTP login details as well.


Hello @prakash_s,

thank you for checking it.

The login should work now. Just make sure you are checking beta.apnea.si

Thank you for your assistance!

Hey @neskec,

When checking the Typography settings, I am seeing this:

What are the previous font settings for both the Body and Content and for the Headings? Please set this up, clear the cache and test the site again.

Best Regards.

@ruenel thank you! It works now :pray:t2:

Hi @neskec,

Glad to know that it is working now.


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