Unable to validate Licence with error message

Hi, I’ve been having some troubles trying to validate my Pro licence (when I’ve done it without any problems many times).
I’m getting this error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired.

From what I gather from previous topics, this seems to be on Themeco’s side. Would you mind having a look please ?

Best regards,

Hey @ctrlaltlike,

Thanks for writing in!

This error message is related to SSL, your PHP configuration may not be configured properly. We would advise contacting your host about this. In the meantime, you can fix your WordPress installation by adding this code to a child theme:

add_filter( 'https_ssl_verify', '__return_false' );

This allows WordPress to skip verification when making outbound HTTP requests

I would recommend that you contact your host. Using the error message above, you can contact your webhost. Here is a form letter you may use:

Hello [provider],

My WordPress installation is having a hard time making outbound HTTP requests. I’m using X theme and it makes a request to [community.theme.co](http://community.theme.co/) for setting up automatic updates. Here is the error message I’m receiving:

[screenshot, or copy/paste the verbose error message (see above regarding the &x-verbose flag)]

Could you please do the following?

– Ensure my site can reach this domain: [community.theme.co](http://community.theme.co/)
– Ensure cURL is working, and allow_url_fopen is enabled.
– Ensure PHP is configured with the latest CA Root Certificates.
– Check into the error message above.

Hope this helps. Please let us know how it goes.

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