This message is a response to and follow-up from this previous message regarding problems editing my site.
Since the problem is still occurring on my end and I’ve completed the troubleshooting checklist from the previous message and I understand you are not having a problem with it as referenced in Post #6 here: [Unable to edit Primary Menu] I went back to my hosting provider and asked them to find the problem. The error is pointing to Cornerstone. This is what the system engineers at my hosting service found (note: four asterisks were used " **** " instead of the web address:
That error suggests a missing variable somewhere. In this file:
/var/www/vhosts/ ****.org/httpdocs/**** /wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/includes/classes/classic/elements/class-element-orchestrator.php
We have this line of code within a function definition:
$filename = “$path/definition.php”;
That $path variable is supposed to be passed to the function, but apparently is empty, so it ends up trying to include “/definition.php”, which doesn’t exist and is outside the open_basedir path, hence the error.
I did not find any obvious place where the $path is supposed to be defined within the theme code, so this probably needs a proper programmer to dig into the problem. For now I’ve left open_basedir turned off, which isn’t ideal but is fine until this can be sorted out.