Uber menu hover

hello, no matter what I do, I cannot change the hover color of the links on uber menu. cannot do it through costumizer, cannot do it through cornestone, cannot do it through uber’s own cusotmizer. Help please.

Hello Donald,

Thanks for writing in!

To change the Ubermenu menu item link colors, you should go to Appearance > Ubermenu > Main Ubermenu Configuration > Style Customizations.

If your changes were not applied to the Ubermenu, please make sure to clear all your plugin caches and the browser cache before testing the site again. If that fails, maybe you have added a custom CSS somewhere which forces the menu item link color and hover color. It could also be caused by a plugin conflict, amongst other things. Please check out this troubleshooting article here and follow the instructions for the following sections (where appropriate):

Testing for Plugin Conflict
Child Theme
CSS/JS Customization
Disabling Cache
Disabling CDN

If after trying all of the above things you are still experiencing problems, please reply below, including login details to your site in a secure note, so that we can investigate further. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
- Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works

Best Regards.

It seems the problem is with uber menus that I add to a custom header through the “navigation inline” element. I wish to use a black background for that particular header and make the links white. but they just stay black and gray when hovered. I’ve used all the customizers as stated above… I was able to change it by using a css like this:
.m7-8.x-anchor .x-anchor-text-primary {
font-family: inherit;
font-size: 1em;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
eight: 1;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

But could not change the hover color. I did as per the troubleshooting page and de-activated all plugins. but I only have two plugins anyway, cache 3 and the uber 3 that came with the theme…

Thanks for the help.

Hello Donald,

In order to help you with your concern, we need to check your settings. I would request you please share your site admin login details and the exact cutom Header name that you are using. Please share these details in the secure note so that we can check them.


Ok, I tried above but not sure if it went through

Is there anybody in here. I hope you can hear me. Is there anyone home? Come on.

Hello Donald,

Thanks for updating in! We have checked your custom header. You added the navigation inline element. You do not need any custom CSS to change the color of your menu item links. Simply click the navigation inline element and go to Top Links > Text > Primary to change the base and interactive color.

If this is your first time building the custom header, please check out our video tutorials:

You can check out our Youtube channel for more demonstration and how-to videos:

Best Regards.

OH my G_d… I can’t believe it was that easy… Thank you so very much!

You are most welcome, Donald!

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