Triggering hover over

Hi, there there a way I can trigger a modal via hovering over a headline element please? Thanks so much

Hello @wolfproductions

Thank you for the inquiry,

This is possible, but it will require a custom script. First, move the headline element inside a Div element, then enter "x-toggle-modal-hover" in the Customize > Class field. Next, edit the Modal element, go to the Customize tab, and enter "modalpopup" as the Toggle Hash . After that, add the following script in the Custom Code > Global JS field.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  function xToggleModalOnHover() {
    const modalState = window.xToggleGetState("modalpopup");
    const modalToggle = document.querySelector('.x-toggle-modal-hover');
    const modalDefaultToggle = document.querySelector('[data-x-toggle-hash="modalpopup"]');

    if (!modalToggle) {
      console.warn('Element with class .x-toggle-modal-hover not found.');

    if (typeof window.xToggleUpdate !== 'function') {
      console.error('xToggleUpdate function is not defined.');
    if (!modalDefaultToggle) {
      console.warn('Element with data-x-toggle-hash="modalpopup" not found.');

    modalToggle.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
      window.xToggleUpdate('modalpopup', true);;


If you need more help with this type of customization, please check out our One service.

Best regards,



Thanks, have tried that but not doing anything??

You have to add “modalpopup” to the Customize > Toggle Hash field of the Modal element.

Ahh I see, so I need to hide the toggle from the front end as well? Thanks

Yes, you can hide the default toggle element. Let us know if you need more info.