Trigger opening of my Content Area from container


I have followed this article (Trigger the opening of Content Area from some other element) and this isn’t working at all. I adjusted some of the class and ID names, but I’m really curious why it’s not working. Can you take a look? It’s the first “Middle School” container. I will post all of the details in a private note.

Thank you so much,

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for reaching out.
I would suggest you go through the following threads which may help you on this.


Thank you for your response. I reviewed all the articles and none of them seem to be working. Could you tell me what is wrong? I have spent hours searching for a typo or just coding that is off, and I can’t seem to locate anything.

Your help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Hello @johnsonmm,

When I clicked the 1st column, “Middle School”, it launches the Modal Popup content.

Can you please explain what should be the expected behavior or where do I click to launch the Modal Content?

Thank you in advance.

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