Translation issue


On this new website ( the Dutch translation doesn’t catch on everywhere. As you can see on attached images it still reads ‘Read More’, ‘reply’ and ‘AT’. Could you take a look as to what is the problem? I have both nl_po and nl_mo present in the Pro and Pro-child theme and in both the mentioned words have been translated.

Hi There,

All the keywords that needs to be translated including reply and read more keywords are there in the default .po file.

You can also translate those keywords using the code below. Please insert this code in your child theme’s functions.php:

 add_filter('gettext', 'x_translate_text' , 20, 3);
 function x_translate_text ( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
  $translation = array(
    	'Reply' => 'Reply translation here',
    	 'AT' => 'Your text here',
       'Read More' =>  'Your text here'
if( isset( $translation[$text] ) ) {
	return $translation[$text];
return $translated_text;

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the code.

BTW I know the keywords are there but they don’t always stick. I’ve had this problem several times before and it always concerns keywords on posts and blogs.

How did you translate your site? Or, can you give us the exact steps you took to translate your site? If you’ve followed this tutorial, you should be able to translate everything that is translatable including those strings in your screenshot.


I always use the default .po files that come with the Pro/X. I always translate the proper strings. I always put them in the language folder of both theme and child-theme. About half the time it works right out of the box, the other half it doesn’t and requires some extra function. This has been an issue since I started out with X (though I’m not suggesting it is purely X/Pro-related; I just don’t use other themes so can’t compare).

In that case, please give us FTP access to your site so we could check your translation setup.



The same trouble again. On the blog page and post pages ‘Submit’ and ‘Leave a comment’ remain in English.

Hi There,

I have tried to connect to your FTP server, but I couldn’t. I’m getting the following error (see secure note).

Could you please confirm on your end?


Hang on, making a secure note.

Hi there,

Our IPs are dynamic and may change anytime, plus our team members are from different countries which also uses different IP. The next time I’ll check or other staff checks it, there is a high chance that your site is not accessible again after whitelisting specific IP.

How about turning off IP Blocking while we’re testing?


That’ll be difficult as my hosting provider has blocked IP’s for a reason. I don’t think they’ll open it up for this. But I’ll ask them.

Thanks, let us know :slight_smile: