Toggle Hash accordions dont scroll to the location when they are on a different page - RC1

I have a group of buttons that link to accordion items on another page.

These buttons link to /page/accordian_item_1#accordian_item_1 etc.

Then on the page, I have accordian_item_1 (they are all different numbers) set for both the ID and the toggle hash.

However when I click the button, it does go to the page and open that accordion item, but it doesn’t scroll to that position. The ID and the toggle hashes are dynamically generated from a post type, not statically set if that makes a difference.

it also seems that if I simply enter the hash into the url on that page it has the same effect. I have “Scroll to” set to All, and grouped set to On.

Do you have a page I could look at? This doesn’t seem to happen to me. Is this accordion in a tab, off-canvas, or anything like that?

Sure thing, just added a secure note. The buttons are on the homepage inside of an accordion. The link takes you to the correct page, and opens the correct accordion, but it doesn’t scroll to it.

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Okay appreciate that. Do you have some auto-closing or auto-opening modal or something like on this page? Just double checking there.

There is an issue with hash (#) changing, where grouped accordions on startup will remove the hash which is why your page starts okay, then jumps back to the top. We’ll have that fixed for Monday, have a great weekend!

Thanks Charlie! This does appear to be fixed on the official 6.4 release.

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