The beta broke my test site

I’ve managed to break an installation running the beta.

I was playing around with Twig stuff and reloaded a page in the builder, then all my existing pages showed up empty in the builder and frontend except for some unrendered Twig stuff. I’m suspecting something got corrupted in the database or something since reinstalling the beta or downgrading to 6.4.19 does nothing.

Are you getting any debug errors? If you have a site I can checkout that might help me as well.

There’s nothing in the debug log other than the PHP deprecation warnings I shared earlier.

I’ll add access to the site for you in a secure note. Feel free to poke around :grin:

You had a singular layout that was set to “All Singular” while also being an empty section with no “The Content”. So none of your pages would show anything. It does raise the question about possibly giving you a warning message when you are in this state. It stumped me longer then I care to admit. Thanks for testing.


that also happens to me one or two times a year…
i dont think it is really straight forward that “All Singular” does affect ALL Pages, even normal pages… because it is a single layout…
better: if it only has an effect on singular posts? even more straight forward: two fields:
first as it is with all singular, when all singular is selected a second field appears with: single posts, single products, …
so we can fine tune it there

does this make sense?

thanks in advance

As far as WordPress is concerned, a Page is a singular post. At this point we can’t change how “All Singular” works without causing issues.

It sounds like you are describing the Post Type control too. I could add a helper like “All Singular (Without Pages)” if that helps? Which essentially does what you see below.


Yup, my bad that was a little silly :sweat_smile:

Though at least there can now be an error message for this edge case as you said.

That would be a convenient shortcut to select from the list.

yes that would be great! thank you!