Text expandable section by clicking on a button (read more)

Hello, I’m trying to create a text expandable section by clicking on a button (read more) to expand the text down.

I am wondering if there is a way or an element I can click on this “Read More” and instead of taking you to a different page, I can make the button disappear to reveal more content down
I really appreciate it in advance.

I have implemented this by -

  • Add ID (collapsibleContent) to the expandable section and set its display:none

  • Addd Id to button (btn_Readmore)

  • Place this script in the Global JS or the Page JS

    jQuery ( function($) {
    $(’#btn_Readmore’).on(‘click’, function(e){
    $( “#collapsibleContent” ).slideToggle( “slow”, function() {
    $(’#btn_Readmore’).text($(’#btn_Readmore’).text() == “+ Read more” ? “- Show less” : “+ Read more”);
    Hopefully this works for you as well.

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