Text and image responsiveness across mobile, tablet, and desktop view

We are updating our site on a staging site https://www.goaldrivencounseling.com/staging/2015

All of the pages are accurate from desktop view, but several images are being cut off on mobile/tablet view, and text isn’t sizing down across layouts as well. Is there an easier way to fix this that isn’t manually resizing everything?

Hello @Moneydeezy,

Thanks for writing to us.

It seems that you have given the backend page URL, please note when you send the page backend URL you must share the admin login details so that we can access it and check it. I would suggest you please share the exact page URL or share the exact page URL so we can check it on our end and guide you properly.


Thank you

The changes to this site are not live yet so I don’t have any exact URL. I can share admin login details but I don’t see an option to send a private message. Can you point me in the right direction?

Hello @Moneydeezy,

In case your website is not live you can share the login in the secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Thank you, the information is attached

Hello @Moneydeezy,

Thanks for sharing the login details I went ahead and checked your site it seems that you are not using the X and Pro theme. It seems that you are using a different page builder. Please note that we don’t provide any third-party theme and plugin support. It is out of the support scope.

Thanks for understanding

Thank you for this feedback. I’m confused because it says Pro is active under our themes and we’ve purchased X support. Are you able to share what theme you are seeing that’s being used?

Hello @Moneydeezy,

I checked your site with your given login credentials and I am not able to find the Pro theme on your server. Please have a look at this screenshot given in the secure note.


Ah, I see the issue. The site is being updated in a staging environment and that’s where we switched to Pro. From the left hand menu if you click on Bluehost>Staging>Staging Site and switch to the staging view you will be able to view the page URLs I previously sent that are using the X and Pro theme.

Hello @Moneydeezy,

I tried to access your staging site but I am not able to log in to your staging server the given login details are not working on my end. Please share the staging server login details.


Thank you, we aren’t able to log into the staging site separately. You will be able to use the credentials by logging into our live site (www.goaldrivencounseling.com) then navigating to the staging site. After you log in, from the left hand menu if you click on Bluehost>Staging>Staging Site and switch to the staging view you will be able to view the page URLs I previously sent that are using the X and Pro theme. There will be a red “Staging” box in the left hand corner to let you know you’re in the staging environment.

Hey @Moneydeezy,

It seems that there is no staging site yet.
Please see the secure note below.


Please click below Staging Site where it says “not currently editing”. Once you click there you will get the option to “switch” to the staging site and all of the URL’s I sent that I need support with will be visible.

Also, it has been a full week I have been trying to get support with this same issue. Is there another way to connect with a support member synchronously in real-time? I really need an answer to this issue more quickly.

For text trying changing the Root font size for the various breakpoints in Theme Options.

I’m not entirely sure what you mean by the images. Could you describe what you are trying do fix with these? I’d start by changing the height on the columns for various breakpoints till you get a look you like for the background images.

We offer a higher level of support through our One program I would encourage you to check out. Have a great day.

Thank you, we’ll try this. Are you able to tell why this page resizes the logos across device sizes ? It’s the only page that has the responsiveness we are looking for, but we’re unsure how.


Hey @Moneydeezy,

This is your logo; GDCLogo2023.png (2100×1500) (goaldrivencounseling.com). It is resized to 150 by 90 pixels. You have set this in Cornerstone > Theme Options > Headers.

Best Regards.

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