Table of Contents + not working


Third party plugin not working (yet another… Amazon Link Builder also conflicts with the theme, or the theme conflicts with it, I can’t use customiser anymore).

Table of Contents+ only shows the words ‘Table of Contents’ but no actual table when inserted into text on articles.

Is there a workaround or can X offer a table of contents (that doesn’t involve using customiser since I can’t get into it).


Hi There,

Please provide an example of what you are looking to achieve.

Thank you

Here is the plugin

It’s a table of contents so the reader can choose where they want to jump to on long articles but I don’t want it to appear on every article.


Hello @twoscotsabroad,

I installed Table of contents plus plugin on my local setup and in settings panel I don’t see options to exclude posts. In that case you can use post/page id and suffix the same with plugin CSS selector using Google Chrome Dev tools to hide Table of contents on particular post. I am sharing few links that will help you to achieve this:


Thank you. It was another blogger who told me about [toc]. She can do it with her theme (not X).

Will look at info above.

You’re welcome! Though, I think it depends on what you wish to achieve. The cornerstone TOC is a simple one which may not applicable for all cases.

I can’t use cornerstone as it conflicts with Amazon Link Building plugin in. PITA that I can’t use my own theme!

Hi Gemma,

Unfortunately, a third party conflicts is outside the scope of our support since there so many plugins out there. We are willing to suggest an alternative to achieve what you want. After you have check the previous suggestion, let us know how it goes.

This response by Lely is not good enough. Amazon Link plugin is an essential plugin for income. I have another thread open discussing this.

Hi there,

Yes, but unfortunately, we’re not fully familiar with 3rd party plugins so I’ll make sure this is forwarded to our developers again:slight_smile:
